Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
‘Assisted Vaginal deliveries is one of the least practiced Emergency Obstetric Care skills in developing countries. Vacuum extraction has been shown to be a safer option for the mother and her baby in low resource settings. It also has the advantage of a shorter learning curve. Research has also shown that adequate training reduces the risk of complications with the use of the vacuum extractor. The LSTM through its Life Saving Skills/Emergency Obstetric Care and Newborn Care training developed in collaboration with the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists London and the WHO have used the Lucy and Mum model to train Skilled Birth Attendants (Midwives, Medical doctors and Clinical Officers) in 10 Sub Saharan countries. These models provide a ‘life like feel’ during training, the models are easy to maintain and can be used over and over again until trainees have developed the competence and confidence to provide this life saving care. ‘
Dr Charles Ameh DRH, MPH, FWACS (OBGYN) Clinical Lecturer Maternal and Newborn Health Unit and Coordinator of LSTM/RCOG LSS EOC&NC Training Africa.
This entry was posted on Monday, July 12th, 2010 and is filed under News.